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The industry leader in emerging technology research. Integrating the Enterprise with a Streaming Data Approach. In this episode, Byron talks about jobs and automation.
A community for developers and users of Python data tools. NumFocus is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to promote the use of accessible and reproducible computing in science and technology. Open source python data tools recommended for use. WeWork is on the 10th floor. Enter the building on 110 E28th Street.
굳이 그래프를 보여가며 구구절절 설명하지 않아도 당연히 분위기에 따라 특정 주제의 글이 평소보다 더 자주 등장하기 마련이다. 그리고 비슷한 얘기가 계속 올라오면 사람에 따라서 짜증이 나기도 하고, 그래서 의도적으로 무시를 하기도 한다. 정말 흥하는 주제라면 너도 나도 그 글을 클릭할 것이고 댓글을 다는 행동을 통해 스스로 커뮤니티 구성원임을 확인하고 대세에 동참했다는 뿌듯함을 느끼기도 할 것이다. 발렌타인, 커플 관련 주제는 부러움, 혹은 시기의 대상이 될 수도 있다. 따라서 의도적으로 클릭하지 않는 사람도 유의미하게 있지 않을까 하는 추측을 해본다. 제 3자의 입장이 아니라 그런 내부인의 시각. 회원은 발렌타인데이 관련 글을 더 클릭했다. 는 그런거 없이 일단 글 올라오면 공평하게 다 눌러보는 듯.
Why the collapse of the iPad matters less to Apple than you think. Yummly gets intimate to personalize your foodie cravings.
Walker Corporate Law is a boutique corporate law firm, with offices. In San Francisco, New York City and Los Angeles. We have a strong team. Of former big-firm corporate lawyers and provide a broad range of corporate legal services. Steve Blank, Co-founder of E. Smart guy - I like Scott. Mark Suster, entrepreneur turned VC. And Founder of Social Times.
PyCon APAC 2014 Co-Notes Index. Program updated and schedule changed please check the website. Program details can be viewed at. PyCon APAC 2014 Co-Notes Index. If you have a fe.
Overslaan en naar de algemene inhoud gaan. De erfgoedhalte is een tijdelijke openluchttentoonstelling die rondtoert sinds 2005. Ze duikt op in het straatbeeld en brengt het verhaal van verdwenen gebouwen, mensen en gebeurtenissen op die plek. Ze zorgt ervoor dat je plaatsen waar je dagelijks passeert met andere ogen gaat bekijken. Sta even stil bij je erfgoed en laat je verrassen. De erfgoedhalte blijft enkele maanden staan en verhuist daarna naar een nieuwe locatie.
Monday, July 6, 2015. Why I Raise Money for Lung Cancer Research. On September 19th, Alex and I will be running the 5K portion of the Chicago Lung Run 2015. The following is the reason we run. This is my 11th year participating, and I do it for mom. The story is long, I apologize, but I hope it holds your interest enough to finish it. But as I was alluding to in the title, I walk in memory of my mom.
Werk2 steht aber nicht nur für die Verbindung zwischen Wertschöpfung und Lebensfreude, sondern bei uns ist der Name Programm. Unser Wein steht zwar im Mittelpunkt, aber nie allein. Wir lassen uns gerne inspirieren.